Forayya's digest all about protein

Why Fish is The Best Animal Protein in The World

By Forayya Official
10 min read
May 11, 2023, 06:40 pm

Fish protein contributes the most within the group of animal protein sources, accounting for approximately 51.7%. Protein is a crucial macronutrient that provides numerous benefits to the body, such as maintaining immunity, keeping weight at an ideal level, supporting brain development, and repairing damaged cells. The "Gemar Ikan" movement, initiated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (KKP RI), aims to educate people about the importance of fish consumption in improving overall health.

1.    Fish contains the highest omega-3 content.

Compared to other meats, beef has the highest cholesterol content, particularly in the skin. Here is a comparison of various meats based on calories and nutritional content. In addition to being renowned for its high protein content, fish is also rich in essential fatty acids called omega-3, which cannot be produced by the human body.

Fish contains unsaturated fatty acids such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and Omega-3 fats, which are especially important for children. The recommended omega-3 intake varies depending on age and gender, ranging from 500–1600 mg per day for infants to adults. Pregnant women who consume more than 340 grams of fish per week have a higher chance of having children with enhanced cognitive abilities and better developmental skills.

To meet the omega-3 requirements, fish is the primary food source, followed by nuts. Some fish varieties rich in omega-3 include mackerel with 2500 mg per 100 g serving, sardines with 2200 mg per 100 g, salmon with 1800 mg per 100 g, and other fish species. Pay attention to the cooking method, as frying can lead to a loss of omega-3 content. Choose appropriate fish preparations to ensure the preservation of their beneficial nutritional content.

2.    Fish Has the Lowest Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)

The Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) is a measurement ratio used to calculate the efficiency of livestock in converting their food intake into body mass or desired output. In simple terms, when compared to other livestock, cattle require much more food to achieve the same body mass. This means that producing beef requires a larger quantity of food, which in turn utilizes more land and water resources.

That is why the current beef production system is considered inefficient and unsustainable, as it consumes a significant amount of resources while yielding a relatively small output that does not justify the resources invested. This can be seen in the graph below:

From the data above, it can be observed that fish only require 1.1 pounds or 0.49 kilograms of feed to produce 1 pound of fish, resulting in lower feed costs while producing a significant quantity of fish. In contrast, cattle are highly inefficient in converting their feed. Cattle require a minimum of 6.8 pounds or 3 kilograms of feed to produce 1 pound or 0.45 kilograms of beef.

However, this FCR applies specifically to cultured fish and differs from wild fish, which do not require feed costs as they source their own food. Indonesia, being an archipelagic country, has abundant marine-based animal protein or "blue food." Not only can it serve as an excellent alternative protein source, but seafood is also environmentally friendly.

3.    Fish is More Environmentally Friendly

Research conducted by Peter Tyedmers, an ecological economist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, and his team, shows that promoting seafood as a substitute for other animal proteins can enhance future food security and help address climate change. Half of the analyzed seafood species were found to have higher nutritional density and emit fewer greenhouse gases compared to beef, pork, and chicken. Variability in production and harvesting methods was found to create significant variations in the climate impact of each species.

Therefore, seafood or "blue food" is an excellent source, particularly for protein, fatty acids like omega-3 (EPA & DHA), as well as vitamins and minerals, while leaving the lowest carbon footprint. By consuming seafood, we contribute to reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment. The food we consume undergoes a series of processes, especially in the case of imported food, and the longer the supply chain, the greater the carbon footprint, which affects global warming. Data shows that 26% of global warming is actually caused by food processing.

4.    Most affordable fish prices

Many people are reluctant to consume fish because they perceive it as expensive. This perception is actually incorrect because there are several types of fish that are considered affordable and even quite cheap. If we consider the benefits we can gain, the price is affordable, and fish is easier to digest, contains plenty of unsaturated fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, has a complete mineral content, and is widely accepted by all segments of our society. Moreover, Indonesia is located in the Indo-Pacific region, with a total coastline of 108,000 kilometers, making it more accessible compared to beef or imported milk. Here is a comparison of animal protein prices according to DKPP Bandung (2023).

5.    Low fish consumption

According to data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, the fish consumption rate in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to neighboring countries, standing at 41 kg per capita per year, while the ministry's target is 55 kg per capita per year. Another factor is that many people do not like to eat fish because they find it troublesome to separate the small bones in certain types of fish, dislike the fishy smell, or may have had traumatic experiences such as choking on fish bones.

This is also consistent with the data presented by the Give Protein Initiative in 2022, which showed that 81% of Indonesians have insufficient protein intake or a protein deficit. However, the advantages of fish are undeniable when it comes to nutrition, price, environmental impact, and even numerous studies that indicate the risks of consuming red meat, while fish and other seafood provide health benefits.

6.    Fish consumption supports the welfare of fishermen.

With 70% of Indonesia's territory being at sea, fishermen still remain among the poorest groups in society. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, the poverty line in Indonesia as of March 2021 was only around Rp 472,000 per month, with 90% of fishermen living below the poverty line. This means that there are still hundreds of thousands of fishermen in Indonesia who struggle to earn an income of Rp 16,000 per day. Even the children of fishermen often suffer from malnutrition and rely on instant noodles rather than consuming the fish caught by their families. We are motivated to create products from fish-based ingredients not only for their excellent protein content but also to help increase the consumption of fish caught by fishermen and improve their welfare.

7.    Forayya: A New Way to Consume Fish

Forayya offers a new and convenient way to consume fish without the fishy smell, and it is even safe for people with fish allergies because we have successfully reduced the pravalbumin levels in fish using enzymatic biotechnology. Forayya, which utilizes fish protein hydrolysate, is high in protein, contains 20 amino acids, and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Enzymatic hydrolysis of fish protein is used to produce proteins with shorter and simpler peptide chains, making them easier to digest by the body. Therefore, it's no surprise that every Forayya product, such as Forayya Protein Cookies and the versatile Protein Glutamate Seasoning, contains abundant protein amino acids with an absorption rate of up to 96%.

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