Forayya's digest all about protein

The Importance of Amino Acids

By Forayya Official
10 min read
May 11, 2023, 06:40 pm

Amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins. Proteins have various functions in the body, including acting as antibodies, enzymes, messengers, and transporters or storers. When someone consumes food containing protein, the digestive system breaks down the protein into amino acids. These amino acids are absorbed by the intestinal tissue and transported to the liver through the portal vein. They are then distributed to all cells in the body that require those specific amino acids, such as muscles, the brain, and others. This is why amino acids are referred to as the smallest component of protein structure, as they have been broken down through the process of metabolism. In this way, the body can absorb and carry out the functions of each organ.

Many scientific facts indicate that the health benefits of protein are more pronounced when the protein consumed has good quality and a complete arrangement of amino acids. Not all proteins have the same quality.

Types and Functions of Amino Acids

Amino acids are divided into two types: essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those that are not produced in the body or, if produced, are insufficient to meet the body's metabolic needs. Therefore, the body requires a source of amino acids from external sources by consuming protein-rich food. The following are the essential amino acids along with their requirements, functions, and food sources as shown in the table:


On the other hand, non-essential amino acids can be produced by the human body using common organic acids. However, these non-essential amino acids cannot fulfill the body's intake requirements. The non-essential amino acids include the following:

It is important to ensure an adequate intake of both essential and non-essential amino acids through a balanced diet to support overall health and the proper functioning of various organs and systems in the body.

Image 2: Functions and sources of non-essential amino acids

Amino Acids For Muscles And Brain

Essentially, amino acids have similar functions to proteins in promoting overall body health. One of the main and frequently discussed functions of amino acids is their role in muscle development and recovery, particularly through the consumption of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). BCAAs consist of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Leucine, in particular, activates specific pathways in the body that stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Additionally, BCAAs can reduce fatigue caused by exercise. During exercise, muscles utilize BCAAs, causing their levels in the bloodstream to decrease. As the levels of BCAAs decrease, the levels of the essential amino acid tryptophan in the brain increase. In the brain, tryptophan is converted into serotonin, a brain chemical believed to contribute to fatigue development during exercise. Sufficient BCAA levels can enhance mental endurance and focus during physical activity.

Amino acids also play a role in supporting neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical compounds that help transmit signals between brain cells. The delivery of messages facilitated by neurotransmitters allows the brain to function properly, aid in autonomic body processes, and enhance and balance signals within the brain. The specific amino acids required for neurotransmitters in the brain are tyrosine and tryptophan, which function to absorb and process messages for optimal delivery.

Protein and amino acid metabolism

Body proteins are constantly being formed and broken down. However, in healthy adults, the total amount of protein in the body remains constant or stable. The rate at which the body synthesizes protein to replace the broken-down protein is referred to as "protein turnover" within the body.

The rate of protein turnover varies significantly within the body. Proteins that are needed to regulate processes within the body (e.g., enzymes) or serve as signals (e.g., hormones) have a rapid turnover rate that matches their respective functions. On the other hand, structural proteins (e.g., collagen) are more metabolically stable and have a relatively longer half-life, lasting up to a year or more. Plasma proteins and most intracellular proteins may have a half-life ranging from one hour to several days.

There must be a balance between protein synthesis and breakdown. In healthy adults who are not experiencing weight gain or loss, equilibrium occurs when the amount of protein intake through food is equal to the amount excreted through urine, feces, and other waste routes. However, more protein is mobilized each day for metabolic processes within the body compared to the protein consumed from food.

Physiologically, healthy adults consume about 60–80 grams of protein per day, which is then broken down and absorbed as free amino acids. These amino acids mix with amino acids released from various sources, such as one-third from muscle protein, which is broken down more slowly. Meanwhile, most amino acids come and go from internal and visceral organs such as the brain, lungs, etc. Out of the total 340 grams of amino acids entering the amino acid pool or depot, only 90 grams, or 25%, originate from daily dietary intake. The amino acid depot is a distribution of free amino acids throughout the body, including cells, blood, and extracellular fluid.

Consequences Of Amino Acid Deficiency

A deficiency in amino acids can cause the body to function poorly, especially in children. Amino acids are the essential building blocks of proteins that are vital for the growth and development of cells, tissues, hormones, and muscles in children. Insufficient amino acids in children under the age of 2 can lead to stunting, disrupting their growth. Difficulty in concentration is also a common issue due to a lack of essential amino acids, as they assist neurotransmitters in the brain and can have an impact. Several studies have also mentioned that a deficiency in leucine, an essential amino acid, can hinder wound healing and prolong pain. Leucine can help accelerate the healing process of the skin and bones. If you often feel easily fatigued or experience anemia, amino acids are also one of the contributing factors, as they play a crucial role in the production of hemoglobin, or red blood cells. If there is a deficiency in essential amino acids, especially isoleucine, valine, and histidine, the production of hemoglobin can be disrupted, resulting in easy fatigue, anemia, and low blood levels.

Research has revealed that the best food sources containing essential amino acids are animal-derived foods. For snacks and kitchen seasonings, ensure that they are high in protein, essential amino acids, omega-3, and EPA and DHA. Forayya is your best choice as it is made from fish protein hydrolysate, which contains up to 20 amino acids, especially 9 essential amino acids that are highly required by the body, particularly for maintaining the brain, muscles, and children's growth and development. So, don't hesitate to choose a high-protein and amino acid-rich diet for your family. Let's maximize your nutritional intake with Forayya products.

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