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Why Sago Starch is More Nutritional Than Wheat Flour

By Forayya Official
10 min read
May 11, 2023, 06:40 pm

Forayya does not use wheat flour but instead uses sago flour. Sago flour is derived from the starch of the sago palm tree trunk. Indonesia has abundant local sago resources, with more than 5 million hectares, 90 percent of which are located in Papua and West Papua. In one hectare, sago plants can produce 20–40 tons of starch, so with a total area of 5 million hectares, they can yield 100–200 million tons of starch per year.

On the other hand, wheat flour is an imported product because Indonesia is not a wheat-producing country. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia imported 34,467 tons of wheat flour in 2019, an increase of 2.6 million tons compared to the previous year. Apart from the aspect of raw material sources, sago flour has many nutritious and diverse benefits. The highest nutritional content in sago is pure carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are classified as macronutrients that the body needs in large quantities as an energy source and for brain function. In addition, the nutritional advantages of sago flour compared to wheat flour include its low fat content and other nutrients. Here are the differences in nutritional content between sago flour and wheat flour.

Image 1: Difference between sago flour and wheat flour

Although sago flour is not considered a low-calorie food, it is still relatively complete in terms of overall nutrition, even in small quantities. Sago can also increase the production of natural glucosamine in the body, which helps repair joint movements and recover muscles.


Sago flour is gluten-free, making it safe for individuals with gluten intolerance. Gluten is a specific protein usually found in grains such as wheat, and it is typically needed to improve the elasticity and texture of carbohydrate-based dough. Wheat flour contains gluten, which contributes to the texture of food, but not everyone can consume and digest gluten properly. Individuals who are allergic to gluten, such as those with gluten intolerance and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), must avoid gluten to prevent negative effects on their bodies. In individuals with autism, gluten in the body is converted into morphine-like substances, which can damage nerves because beta-morphine peptides are not absorbed in the bodies of autistic children. Nerve damage can lead to morphine-like symptoms, including impaired interaction and communication, in autistic children.

Gluten intolerance causes changes in the small intestine, resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients entering the body. This condition is called celiac disease. Delayed growth and nutrient deficiencies can lead to the emergence of other diseases such as anemia, osteoporosis, and even autoimmune diseases. One out of every hundred people worldwide has celiac disease. The side effects commonly experienced by celiac disease patients when consuming gluten include bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, anemia, and osteoporosis.

Low glycemic index of sago flour

The glycemic index (GI) is a value that indicates the ability or indicator of how fast or slow a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose levels. Foods that rapidly increase blood sugar levels cause the pancreas to work harder to produce insulin after a meal. For diabetes patients, it is crucial to pay close attention to the glycemic index of food ingredients in order to maintain their blood sugar levels. The glycemic index of wheat flour is higher, around 74–76, while sago flour has a GI value of 65. However, the GI of food is not always the same and can vary. There are several factors that affect the GI value of a food. These changes can be influenced by the level of ripeness, processing duration, and form. An example of processing duration is pasta, which has a low GI but can have a high GI if cooked until soft or for too long. The shape of the food can also affect its GI; for example, white rice with smaller and shorter grains has a higher GI compared to red rice with longer grains.

Enhances food texture

Sago flour is made from the pith of sago palm stems. It has a coarse and gritty texture with a slightly cloudy, milky white color. Sago flour has the advantage of providing a different texture to each dish. It is commonly used in traditional Indonesian snacks such as talam ubi (steamed cassava cake), bakso (meatballs), pempek (fishcake), kue lapis (layered cake), and others, which give a soft and chewy texture. When used in fried foods, sago flour adds a crunchy texture, and even in cookies, it can enhance crispiness. This is another reason why Forayya uses sago flour: we aim to provide the best texture for you.

Good for the digestive system and bones

Apart from being a source of energy, sago flour is beneficial for the digestive system, especially stomach acid. It works by improving enzyme function to facilitate overall intestinal movement. Sago flour protects against dryness, thereby preventing digestive system disorders. For individuals with gastroenteritis, sago flour is highly beneficial as it has a soothing, cooling, and pain-relieving effect on the stomach. Sago flour is not only high in carbohydrates but also contains iron, calcium, and other minerals. This helps improve bones and joints by increasing the production of glucosamine, which affects bone density and enhances joint flexibility. Glucosamine promotes the production of synovial fluid in the joints and tendon sheaths, preventing stiffness and allowing for more agile movement.

The advantages and health benefits of sago flour mentioned above make Forayya more confident and committed to preserving local food with quality products using food technology. Forayya is derived from the phrase "For Indonesia Raya," which signifies our desire to become the ancestral heritage of food bestowed by God. We are creating a new experience for the community by consuming sago as a substitute for wheat flour and are driven to assist those who cannot consume gluten, enabling them to enjoy delicious and nutritious food. 

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